Monday, April 07, 2008



As your editor, I am always on the look out for new cultural experiences that will enrich your lives. My most recent discovery is a website that provides what is essentially literature's newest version of creative non-fiction, albeit of the micro-variety.

The website is called JamsBio and the link to my page can be found at

If you've ever been listening to music and said, "I love that song. . .it reminds me of the time. . ." then JamsBio is for you. They ask participants to write up their memories concerning various songs, artists, and albums. The site is still open and anyone can join.

The opportunity to write about music and my memories and the discipline needed to do it in a short space was a very powerful combination. Each piece is like a compelling little story about the writer's life and their connection--usually emotional--to the music they have listened to throughout their lives.

There's some good reading here. And some good memories.

Check it out.

We will return you to your regularly scheduled LITSNACK in a few days. Thanks and remember, at LITSNACK, it's "Easy in. Easy out. Nobody gets hurt."

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